ASH Meeting on Hematologic Malignancies Health and Safety Protocols
We encourage you to monitor this page to stay abreast of the latest updates on health and safety protocols for the ASH Meeting on Hematologic Malignancies and the 2022 ASH Consultative Hematology Course.
The safety of meeting attendees is ASH’s top priority, and we believe the most effective way to ensure the safety of all attendees is for them to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and the wearing of protective masks. Please note that proof of vaccination will be required for all in-person meeting attendees; this proof must be shown upon arrival in order to pick up their badge. Please read the additional information about these requirements below, how to verify vaccination status, and other safety measures.
Attendees should be aware that, while ASH will make every effort to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission on site, it is possible that attendees will encounter people in airports, hotels, and around the meeting who could potentially carry the virus, which is why ASH is requiring attendees to be fully vaccinated for their own safety, as well as the safety of others.
For those unable to travel or meet the vaccination requirement, ASH is offering a virtual meeting registration option for this meeting.
For the purposes of right of entry to the ASH Meeting on Hematologic Malignancies, and ASH Consultative Hematology Course, a person is considered fully vaccinated:
- Two weeks after receiving the second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines; or
- Two weeks after receiving a single-dose vaccine, such as the Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine
ASH will accept a full course of immunization with any vaccine that has been validated by the World Health Organization (WHO) or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The product may be either fully authorized or authorized under an emergency use authorization or equivalent at the time of travel (see list of eligible vaccines). Vaccination with an agent that is not included on the WHO or FDA website as authorized will not be accepted.
Prior to arriving on-site, attendees will be asked to provide proof that they are fully vaccinated with a vaccine approved by the WHO or FDA via a third-party vendor that ASH has contracted with to manage the verification process. More detailed instructions are available below.
In addition to all attendees, all ASH staff working at the meeting will be fully vaccinated; however, ASH cannot guarantee the vaccination status of local hotel and vendor staff. However, ASH is working with local entities in Chicago to develop on-site protocols in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, including requiring all local hotel staff to wear masks.
ASH is partnering with Safe Expo for vaccination verification services to make your entry to the meeting faster, safer, and more secure.
Uploading your proof of vaccination should be done in advance. ASH suggests that attendees do this as soon as possible to avoid any processing delays. Once the proof of vaccination is uploaded and verified, a green health pass will be issued. Your green health pass must be presented for inspection upon arrival at the meeting before receiving your name badge and meeting access is granted.
This service is available to all attendees regardless of where you live.
Safe Expo offers a web-based portal for you to upload your proof of vaccination. Note: Safe Expo does not retain your proof of vaccination once it has been reviewed and approved.
- Step 1: If you don’t already have an image of your vaccination document, make sure to take a clear photo and save it to the device you are using to complete this process.
- Step 2: Navigate to the ASH vaccination verification upload portal and select Start.
- Step 3: Enter your email address.
- Step 4: Enter your name.
- Step 5: Select “Upload Now” to get to the upload page and select “Upload Now” again.
- Step 6: Select “Choose File” and navigate to the JPEG or PNG image of your vaccination documentation stored on your computer or device.
- Step 7: Select the image file and click “Upload.” Note: JPEG and PNG are the only acceptable file formats for upload.
- Step 8: Verify that your image has uploaded correctly and displays in the image preview box and select “Next.”
You will then be taken to a page indicating that your proof of vaccination has been uploaded. Your document will be reviewed within 2 business days. Once approved, you will receive an email notice with your green health pass PDF. You will need an electronic or paper copy of your green health pass PDF, along with a picture ID, when you arrive at the Hilton Chicago to pick up your registration badge.
If your green health pass PDF does not arrive via email confirmation in 1-2 business days, you may return to the portal and re-enter your email address to check on the status of your verification.
Need help? Contact [email protected] for assistance.
Note: The approval email might get caught in your SPAM filter, so please check your SPAM folder if you have not received your confirmation. Your email will come from [email protected].
Public health guidance on preventing the transmission of COVID-19 continues to evolve, and ASH will base its on-site protocols on the latest guidance from the CDC in addition to local regulations in Chicago.
The wearing of protective masks is required of all attendees, ASH staff, and hotel workers, regardless of whether it is required by local regulations at the time of the meeting. Masks must be worn properly (always covering both mouth and nose) except when actively eating or drinking, or speaking at the lectern.
In-person attendees will be provided with several kits containing a disposable surgical mask, alcohol wipes, and hand sanitizer to use if they wish.
While surgical masks will be provided on site, attendees are welcome to bring their own mask of choice. Surgical, N95, and KN95 masks are strongly preferred. Gaiters, bandanas, and masks with exhalation valves will not be accepted.
Attendees who are not properly masked will be refused admittance to ASH sessions and events and may have their badges revoked. Please see Centers for Disease Control guidance on masking.
Unlimited, complimentary COVID-19 test kits will be available for all attendees.
On-site attendees must agree that if they become symptomatic, they will immediately test for COVID-19 and cease participation in the meeting and all related events. Individuals who test positive will not be permitted to continue attending the meeting in person until a negative test is produced, although they will still have access to the virtual platform, and must follow CDC guidance on quarantine and isolation.
Attendees who test positive for COVID-19 must follow CDC guidance on quarantine and isolation. They will not be allowed to attend sessions in person until a negative test can be produced, although they will still have access to the virtual platform. ASH Staff on site should be notified via email [email protected] and will be available to provide assistance to individuals who test positive. The COVID-19 dashboard provides information on the number of positive results reported to [email protected] and will be updated regularly. Individuals who have come in close contact with someone with COVID-19 should follow the CDC’s guidance on what to do if you were exposed to COVID-19.
Meeting rooms will be set up to accommodate those attendees who prefer more personal space as well as those who prefer to sit closer together, even if physical distancing is not legally mandated at the time of the meeting.
Even though the science now shows that COVID-19 transmission is unlikely to occur from touching surfaces touched by multiple persons, staff will clean these regularly to promote healthy sanitation overall.