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Oral and Poster Sessions

Abstracts selected for oral and poster presentations represent important, novel research in the field of hematology and are considered the best of thousands submitted for the ASH annual meeting.

See the schedule at-a-glance for specific session dates and times.

Simultaneous Oral Abstract Sessions

These sessions feature 15-minute presentations of high-scoring abstracts. Sessions on related topics are scheduled near one another to make it easy to move between rooms and hear individual presentations of interest. Both in-person and virtual attendees will be able to watch the oral abstract sessions as they are presented live.

Poster Sessions

Poster presenters will display a physical copy of their poster in the poster hall on either Saturday, Sunday, or Monday during the ASH annual meeting. Posters will also be made available on the virtual event platform both in the form of a short Power Point presentation with accompanying audio narration and as a static image. Poster presenters will be available in-person to answer questions and discuss their research during designated presentation times. There will also be a “Contact the Author” button on each poster presentation page on the virtual event platform to submit questions to the authors directly.

audio presentations of annual meeting posters

Download the free PosterCast app to stream audio explanations of posters as you view them. While you are in the poster hall, simply scan the QR code on a participating poster or use the keypad to enter the poster number. This resource is particularly valuable when posters are unattended by presenters.

Download for iOS