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ASH Award for Leadership in Promoting Diversity

ASH continues to embrace the values of diversity and inclusion by leading efforts to promote the advancement of underrepresented groups in hematology. In support of this organizational priority, the Awards Committee and the Committee on Promoting Diversity has created an Honorific Award to honor hematologists who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to diversity and inclusion. An individual may be nominated for:

  • Significant leadership/mentorship that has benefited the career development of trainees from underrepresented groups
  • Contributions that have led to a more diverse and inclusive hematology workforce
  • Commitment to diversity and inclusiveness within ASH
  • Accomplishments that aim to eliminate health disparities in the care of hematology patients

Key Dates

Nomination Deadline for ASH Award for Leadership in Promoting Diversity  July 15, 2025
Award Notification for Recipients March 2026
Presentation of Awards for Recipients December 2026

Eligibility Criteria


  • The nominee does not need to be an ASH member.
  • The nominator must be a member of ASH. Not an ASH member? Apply today.
  • Nominees should be actively involved in the advancement of diversity and the inclusion of underrepresented groups (including race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and identity, and disability) who have faced barriers to success because of social disadvantages.
  • Neither the nominee nor the nominator is required to be from an underrepresented group.
  • Nominees of all nationalities and all countries of residence are eligible; however, all nomination materials must be submitted in English.


  • Self-nominations and posthumous nominations will not be accepted.
  • Past recipients are not eligible for the award.
  • Recipients may only receive one Honorific Award per year.
  • Voting members of the ASH Executive Committee and the ASH Awards Committee are ineligible for an Honorific Award during their tenure.

Submit a Nomination

Nominations for the ASH Award for Leadership in Promoting Diversity are accepted throughout the year. Before getting started, please review the Nominations Guidance document, which provides additional information about the award and guidance on crafting an effective nomination letter.

The following documents are required in order to submit a nomination package:

  • A completed nomination form;
  • A copy of the nominee's current CV or a copy of the nominee's NIH biosketch (preferred) annotated with “Contributions to Science,” if available;
  • A two-page letter of nomination summarizing the nominee's extraordinary commitment to diversity and inclusion in the field of hematology (please refer to the Honorific Award Nominations Guidance document for recommendations on writing an effective nomination letter);
  • Optional: One additional two-page letter of support will be accepted but is not required; multiple people are allowed to sign one letter. 

Submit a Nomination

If you are having trouble completing or submitting your nomination, please email [email protected] to request assistance.

Award Recipients

Recipients of the ASH Award for Leadership in Promoting Diversity

Related Programs

ASH Hematology Inclusion Pathway:
An initiative that strives to ensure that hematology reflects and serves the diverse world we live in – from medical students to mid-career professionals.


For assistance or more information about ASH Honorific Awards, please contact the Awards Department at [email protected] or 202-776-0544.