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About ASH

Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee

Committee Roster

Chadi Nabhan, MD, MBA  ('24)

Appointed Members
Steven  L. Allen, MD  ('25)
Lisa  M. Baumann Kreuziger, MD, MS  ('25)
Adam  F. Binder, MD  ('24)
Rachel  J. Cook, MD  ('25)
Azam Farooqui, MD  ('25)
Titilope  Adenike Fasipe, MD, PhD  ('25)
Damon  Eugene Houghton, MD, MS  ('25)
Matthew  J. Matasar, MD, MS  ('25)
Sam Merrill, MD, PhD  ('24)
Ted Wun, MD  ('24)

Adam Cuker, MD  ('25)  - Chair, Committee on Quality

Staff Liaison
Emily Cahill, MPH, BS

Committee Mandate

The Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee, a subcommittee of the Committee on Quality, coordinates the identification, prioritization, development, and management of a set of quality measures that aims to improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of hematology care that patients receive. The subcommittee interfaces with the Committee on Practice.


The Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee conducts the following activities:


  • Identification of Relevant Existing Measures Developed Outside of ASH

The subcommittee is tasked with conducting scheduled environmental scans of existing quality measures, including all National Quality Forum (NQF)-endorsed measures, to identify existing measures which are relevant to hematology practitioners. Relevant quality measures also include those which may not measure care and outcomes related to hematology-specific conditions and care. Examples of measures which are disorder-agnostic or cross-disciplinary include those which measure the management of multiple chronic conditions, quality of life, care coordination and continuity, and palliative care.


  • Prioritization of Topics for Measure Development

The subcommittee is tasked with prioritizing high-impact topics for measure development to ensure measures address an important condition or population, consider financial importance, address variation in patient care, and present an opportunity for improving care. Prioritized measures should be based on established clinical practice guidelines and evidence, actionable by the user, and both meaningful and interpretable to the user. The subcommittee is tasked with clearly defining the scope of the developed measure set with consideration given to their intended users and environments.


The subcommittee is tasked with an early focus on identifying opportunities for quality improvement through developing measures which are informed by the ASH clinical practice guidelines. In addition to being evidence based, measures informed by the new ASH clinical practice guidelines may present an opportunity to improve the care for hematologic conditions beyond the practice of hematologists. Additional users such as hospitalists and family medicine providers in private, hospital, and community-based practice are possible. While all identified opportunities for quality improvement may not result in full measure development, the subcommittee’s work can be disseminated to members interested in measure development or related research.


  • Development and Testing of Measures

The development and testing of measures are a collaborative effort between the ASH and an external consultant, a membership organization focused on improving health outcomes through a variety of activities including the advancement of performance measurement. The measure development and testing process involves clearly defining the measure specifications; testing the reliability, validity, and feasibility of the measure; considering the measure's allowance of risk; ensuring confidentiality of data collected; and maintaining the measure specifications as publicly available. It is anticipated that this effort would also yield an academic publication.


  • Consideration for and Maintenance of Measures' Endorsement

The subcommittee is tasked with identifying suitability of prioritized measures for NQF endorsement prior to development. NQF endorsement will allow measures to be implemented by members in a variety of ways. Additional consideration will be given for suitability of prioritized measures for inclusion in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services payment programs like the Quality Payment Program Merit-based Incentive Payment System. For measures which are suitable, the subcommittee will collaborate with an external consultant to prepare the measures, monitor the endorsement process, and respond to inquiries related to the ongoing endorsement and participation in payment programs.


  • Monitor Policies and Programs

The subcommittee is tasked with tracking policies and programs related to measurement science and responding with expert commentary when appropriate.


  • Other Activities as Warranted

The Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee is composed of members with diverse clinical expertise and interest, including at least one member from the Committee on Practice and Committee on Quality. Members of the subcommittee are required to participate in email discussions and regularly scheduled conference calls, and to meet in person as deemed necessary. The chair and members of the subcommittee serve staggered two-year terms with an option for renewal. The structure of the subcommittee includes the chair of the Committee on Quality as a liaison member.


If not already a member of the Committee on Quality, the chair of the Quality Measure Oversight Subcommittee serves as a liaison member of the Committee on Quality for a term congruent with service on the subcommittee.
