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Completing the ASH MEI Application

Section by section instructions on how to complete your ASH MEI application. Make sure to "save your draft" as you work through each section of the application.

Section 1: Applicant

  • Provide your contact information.
  • Complete the text box (up to 500 words) to answer the inquiry, “Please describe the ways in which you envision ASH MEI participation would further your career development.”
  • Please indicate yes or no if at any time in the past you have participated in or applied to a medical educator’s workshop.
  • Complete the text box to name those workshops in which you have participated or to which you have applied. Please limit this to workshops outside of your home institution.

Section 2: Demographics

  • Please indicate how you heard about the program.
  • Please indicate if you are willing to share information on your racial/ethnic background, gender, and disability status.
    • Please complete the demographic question if you are willing to do so.

Section 3: Documents

  • Description of scholarly project (2 pages maximum): You must include the outline of a scholarly project you intend to initiate and complete during your year in ASH MEI. The project outline should include a statement of goals and objectives, a research question (if pertinent), and a discussion of the related educational dimensions of the project.
  • Career plan (2 pages maximum): You should describe your current career (e.g., how you spend your time over the course of a year) and your vision for advancing as a medical educator over the next 3-5 years. The plan should include specific steps you intend to take to meet this vision.
  • Curriculum vitae: Please upload your most recent curriculum vitae. If your medical education work and accomplishments to date are not readily evident in your CV, please add another page to the front of the document that illustrates your work to date.
  • Please provide the name and email address for your division chief. Applicants must secure a letter of support from the hematology division chief or department chair that expresses support for participation in the program and for ongoing involvement in medical education by the participant. This letter will be one of the key elements reviewed by the study section that will select participants. Detailed instructions will be sent via email to the division chief; you will receive a copy of this email.
    • Be sure to click on the box labeled “send email request to reference” to begin that process.
    • Be sure the reference is mindful that they will receive an email requesting the letter of support.
  • Please provide the name and email address for your mentor in medical education. This person may be outside of hematology and may be outside of your institution. The system will contact this person to request two things: a copy of the mentor’s CV and a letter of support for the applicant’s candidacy. The letter of support should indicate the candidate’s likelihood to benefit from the program based on his/her current career status. The mentor should also comment on his/her anticipations for the next steps of the educator’s career. Detailed instructions will be sent via email to the mentor; you will receive a copy of this email.
    • Be sure to click on the box labeled “send email request to reference” to begin that process.
    • Be sure the reference is mindful that they will receive an email requesting the letter of support.
  • If your division chief and mentor are the same person, we are still requesting two letters of support. These could come from the same person or the department chair could submit the institutional letter of support.

Section 4: Confirmation

  • Check the box to indicate that the information that has been provided is accurate and true.
  • When ready, click the box to submit the application as final.
    • If necessary, you (the applicant) can make edits as necessary to a final application until the close date.
    • Please download a copy for your records.