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Recipients of the Mary Rodes Gibson Memorial Award in Hemostasis and Thrombosis

The following individuals have received the Mary Rodes Gibson Memorial Award in Hemostasis and Thrombosis, which is made possible by the Mary Rodes Gibson Hemostasis-Thrombosis Foundation.


Lucas Van Gorder
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Evolution Directed Gene Engineering (EDGE) Identifies Single Amino Acid Substitutions in FVIII with Six-Fold Increased in Vitro and In Vivo Activity


Sean Quinn, PhD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
An Antibody Targeting Human FV Promotes Thrombin Generation and Reduces Bleeding in a Hemophilic Mouse Model


Jacob Ludington, MD, PhD
Deaconess Medical Center
SARS-CoV-2 Ion Channel ORF3a Enables TMEM16F-Dependent Phosphatidylserine Externalization to Augment Procoagulant Activity of the Tenase and Prothrombinase Complexes
Abstract #1


Dino Mehic, MD
Medical University of Vienna
Association of ABO Blood Group with Bleeding Severity in Patients with Bleeding of Unknown Cause
Abstract #572


Oluwatoyosi Muse, PhD
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
The Unfolded Protein Response Causes Prothrombotic Transformation of Pancreatic Cancer Linking Tumor Progression with Cancer-Associated Thrombosis
Abstract #632


Moua Yang, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin
Platelet CD36 Promotes ERK5 and Caspase-Dependent Procoagulant Phosphatidylserine Externalization and In Vivo Fibrin Formation in Dyslipidemia
Abstract #867 


Yunfeng Chen, PhD
The Scripps Research Institute
Identification of a VWFA1 Mutation Attenuating Thrombus Growth but Not Platelet Adhesion
Abstract #547 


Ranjeet Kumar Sinha, PhD
The Scripps Research Institute
Novel R41Q- and R46Q-PAR1-Modified Mice Enable Proof-of-Concept Studies for In Vivo Protective Mechanisms of Action for Activated Protein C (APC) in Sepsis and Stroke
Abstract #13 


Shekhar Kumar, PhD
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
The X-Ray Structure of a Variant of Human Factor V Provides Structural Insights Into the Procofactor Activation Paradox
Abstract #121