Conflict of Interest Disclosures for Society Leadership
Belinda Avalos, MD, Atrium Health Levine Cancer Institute
Membership on a Board or Advisory Committee for Juno CAR-T cell Advisory Board; and Patents & Royalties from BMJ Best Practice.
Robert Negrin, MD, Stanford University
Consultancy and Equity Ownership (multiple companies), Membership on a Board or Advisory Committee DSMB for a clinical study of CAR T cells.
Vice President
Cynthia E. Dunbar, MD, National Institutes of Health
Research funding from Be Bio, Disc Medicine, and Novartis; Honoraria from UpToDate.
Jennifer Brown, MD, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Funding for an investigator initiated trial with correlatives, Membership on a Board or Advisory Committe, and Member of the iwCLL and Chair of the 2023 iwCLL meeting in Boston.
Joseph R. Mikhael, MD, FRCPC, MEd, Translational Genomics Research Institute
Honoraria from Amgen, GSK, Janssen, Karyopharm, Sanofi, and Takeda; and Consultancy for BMS and Pfizer.
Blood Editor-in-Chief
Andrew Roberts, MBBS, PhD, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Membership on a Board or Advisory Committee, Member of the Board of Directors with stock options, SAB member, and Neogene Honoraria.
Blood Advances Editor-in-Chief
Catherine M. Bollard, MD, Children's National Medical Center
Equity Ownership of Caballeta Bio, Mana Therapeutics, Neximmune, and Repertoire; Membership on a Board or Advisory Committee for Caballeta Bio, Catamaran Bio, Mana Therapeutics, and SOBI; Patents & Royalties from Mana Therapeutics; Consultancy for Neogene and Roche; and Honoraria from Neogene, Roche, and SOBI.
Executive Director
Martha Liggett, American Society of Hematology
Indicated no conflicts of interest.
Deputy Executive Director
Matthew Gertzog, American Society of Hematology
Equity ownership of Amgen.