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Photo Credit

Legends in Hematology

  • Louis K. Diamond - Photo courtesy of Harvard Medical School
  • Clement A. Finch - Photo courtesy of Puget Sound Blood Center
  • Leon Jacobson - Photo courtesy of the University of Chicago Medical Center
  • William Moloney - Photo by Bachrach, courtesy of Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Oscar D. Ratnoff - Photo courtesy of Oscar Ratnoff
  • Joseph F. Ross - Photo reprinted with permission from The Journal of Nuclear Medicine1998;39:22N-23N.
  • R. Wayne Rundles - Photo courtesy of Duke University Archives
  • James L. Tullis - Photo courtesy of Harvard Medical School
  • Louis R. Wasserman - Photo by Jerry Soalt
  • Lawrence Young - Photo courtesy of the Edward G. Miner Library, University of Rochester Medical Center

ASH Presidents

  • 1959: James L. Tullis - Photo courtesy of Harvard Medical School
  • 1960: Carl V. Moore - Photo courtesy of Becker Medical Library, Washington University School of Medicine 
  • 1961: Louis Lowenstein - Photo courtesy of Paul J. Lowenstein
  • 1962: Joseph F. Ross- Photo reprinted with permission from The Journal of Nuclear Medicine1998;39:22N-23N.
  • 1963: Charles A. Doan - Photo courtesy of Ohio State University Medical Center
  • 1966: Clement A. Finch - Photo courtesy of Puget Sound Blood Center
  • 1967: R. Wayne Rundles - Photo courtesy of Duke University Archives
  • 1969: Louis R. Wasserman - Photo by Jerry Soalt
  • 1975: Oscar D. Ratnoff - Photo courtesy of Oscar Ratnoff
  • 1980/81: Alvin Mauer - Photo courtesy of Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, historical collection
  • 1985: Jane F. Desforges - Photo courtesy of the Massachusetts Medical Society
  • 1988: E. Donnall Thomas - Photo by R.J. McDougall